- Magrasan was thrown out of Zatal / Zagal
- His pet jormigon had just left him, so he split and that lead to our current situation
- Jormigon was a gold dragon several thousand years ago
- 2.5 years ago, girl with golden hair, very beautiful, named jormigon, empress got pissed, and she vanished. Inn named after her. Now disguised with brown hair?
- The flood was the invitation
- Postandro megrosid is the spider, he wears a watch and a suit his wife's name is Giere
- Magrason was associated with water, weather, blood, pain, and solat water.
- The enlightened engine is named jimotu
50 needles
set of bronze silver wear
magical tiara prot arrows
magical skirt protection
magical shoes increased movement
two magical rings prot energies
magical necklace (makes lucky)
magic bed
magic chair
magic mirror
magic desk
pixie on a leash
bowl of grey (porridge)
sealed jar (rotting stuff (fingers and earlobes)) (6000 gp)
ring (magic)
12 people 8 male (chained to each other)
sword w/ sheath (Magic)
shield (Magic)
and mighty big ant
an eyeball
a glass of green (Slightly magical) beholder juice
7 suits (magical)